Online Poker Magazines

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Perhaps as a result of online poker's ever growing popularity, an amazing number of online poker magazines have come up over the last one decade or so. Indeed, so large is the number of such online poker magazines that we are now actually seeing websites dedicated either to ranking them or serving as directories to them actually coming up.
What are termed as online magazines on poker vary greatly, from the simple one story per issue affairs to huge multi-featured affairs, which are typically designed and presented in the same way as all the leading online magazines in the world.

The simple one story per issue online poker magazines typically take one particular facet of poker - maybe a particular player, a particular poker rule, a particular poker tournament or pretty much any other particular thing about poker, and focus their full attention on it; approaching the issue from different perspectives, interviewing different authorities about it, getting the poker community's general views on it - and ultimately coming up with what often turn out to be quite interesting stories.
The more 'featured' poker magazines online, on the other hand, tend to have different sections, say a poker news section, a poker tournaments section, a poker player's highlight section and a poker opinion section - each with what can turn out to be (depending on the particular magazine one happens to be looking at) some great features.
In a poker magazine using a four part (news, profiles, tournaments and opinions) format, the developers will typically dedicate the news section to emerging issues on the poker field - which could be anything from a newly launched poker website, to a newly introduced poker playing rule; and pretty much anything else in that series.
For the profiles section, the poker magazines online typically interview one of the recognized and highly accomplished poker players, and thanks to advancing technology, most of these online poker magazines are nowadays able to present the interviews they so carry out in audio or video formats, so that the subscriber does not have to read them in text - which can be a very attractive feature to those of us who hate having to absorb information by reading.

Online poker magazine's approach to the tournaments section tends to vary from magazine to magazine, with some opting not to have it altogether, some opting to carry only information about notable poker tournaments which are likely to attract everyone's attention, and with yet others opting only to carry information about poker tournaments whose organizers pay the magazines to have their tournaments featured.
Most online poker magazine subscriptions are free or sold at very nominal monetary costs. Rather than charge poker magazine subscriptions on the readers, most developers of these magazines are increasingly opting to rely more on the advertisement revenue (where, for instance, various online casinos offering poker pay to advertise on the magazines). Even for the magazines that charge subscription fees on their readers, the costs of such poker magazine subscriptions are typically heavily subsidized by various 'interest groups' who pay to have their advertisements appear on the magazines.
All in all, online poker magazines make for a great tool to anyone who is keen on keeping themselves updated on developments in the poker field.

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